Woke Up This Morning...Got Yourself A Gun--Sopranos Theme Song
I bought a handgun today. I am not afraid of living alone and I don't plan to carry a concealed weapon. Just wanted something other than shotguns and rifles here at the house.
Zack went with me to Cabela's today to buy the Glock 19 9 mm semi-automatic handgun. It seemed like half of Tarrant County bought guns today. Filled out the paperwork, then waited for over an hour and a half to actually pay for the gun and have someone walk it out of the store for me.
Zack and I used to go to the gun range fairly regularly. The Glock is the only handgun I have ever shot. Now, we need to go for practice again. That is all I will use it for, hopefully.
I respect guns and have seen first-hand in multiple ER's what a careless pull on a trigger will do. Let's hope I never have to use it for anything other than target practice.
You can take my gun from my cold dead hand. Welcome to the club.
gooooooddd loooorrd.
see if i had a handgun, my roommates cat would've died last night for sticking its face through my open window, scaring luna and me both!
well im glad you've got one. just dont shoot the squirrels!
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