I slept a little late this morning....rarely do. About 8:15 am, I awakened to Katie's "aggressive mode" barking! So, I was a little disoriented and startled. Got up, told them doggies to hush up, checked to see what the disturbance was---NONE----maybe the meter reader...long gone by now!
Of course the doggies go out first thing every morning---usually around 6 AM---so today, it was 2 hours later!. They ran back in starving and nudging me into action, saying "BREAKFAST, PLEASE!!!!!" I keep a large sack of kibble next to the washer/dryer with a snap-shut top---there are two scoops...a 1-cup size for Lexie and a 3-cup size for Katie. So, they are panting with tongues out, right by my side, watching every move I make while I scoop up breakfast kibble.
Now, if you know this family and you know the dogs, you also know what a b----h it is to feed the dogs simultaneously. While Luna (I miss her perky little adventurous self) lived here, there were feeding issues because she ate slowly and methodically and was still interested in whatever was going on while she ate. Lexie inhales--she even has her own individual breathing pattern while eating.....and you NEVER mess with Lexie while she eats------you'll end up without toes, fingers, or at least a big bite out of your leg! Katie is just thankful for her meal and she will dig in and leave everybody alone---she eats for nourishment, but she can be a forager and go into gastronomical forbidden territory (see Canine Cookies).
Anyway, we have rituals in feeding that we adhere to. The biggest problem is that Lexie is a world-class champion in speed-eating---so she is ready to move on to bigger and better bowls. She easily intimidated Luna and since Luna moved to Oregon with Brooke, Lexie has taken Katie's bowl on as a victim-----so, they get fed in separate rooms with doors shut. Lexie must be fed first, shut the door and then feed Katie. Katie must be completely finished or Lexie runs in gets her snout in Katie's bowl and goes at it....and, sweet Katie usually just backs away. What power! Katie is younger, faster, and massively bigger than Lexie----but there is a huge difference in beagleness and weimaraner character.
I am getting to the point! So, this morning, I dig into the sack of kibble and shovel out the correct portions, little Lexie cup in left hand, Katie cup in right. Katie is on my heels and jumping with joy. I tell Lexie (who is immobile at the canister of food, eyeing it as a personal challenge) t0 move! She follows me into game room and I DUMP THREE CUPS OF KIBBLE INTO HER BOWL from Katie's scoop. I still don't realize it until I shut the door and walk into the kitchen to Katie's bowl and toss in a measly little 1 cup of kibble! There is no way I am going back out there to retrieve Lexie's excess---she just got lucky today!
Great storytelling--I could picture it exactly! I thought you were going to say that you left the container open...that would have made Lexie's week!!
HAHAHAH!! and of course lexie wont tell you. its like when the atm gives you an extra 20! you pocket it and move right along!
Diane - You are wonderful at story telling. You ought to look into writing a book.
I too thought that maybe the dogs had a field day with a sack of kibble.
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