Family pets (especially dogs) hold a dear place in everyone's hearts. We may grumble and be frustrated with a pet's singular obstinance, balking, or plain old passive-aggressive personality, yet they are significant and loved members of the household.
Certainly there are domesticated animals out in the world that don't fare so well. They are starved, abandoned, neglected, and beaten. What did these animals do that provokes mistreatment of any kind?
Over the past 6-8 years, we have made donations to the Utopia Animal Rescue Ranch in the memory of those dogs who have died....but not before they enriched the lives of their masters and families. Families have been most appreciative when they learn that a memorial was made in the name of their pet.
Utopia was one of two designated opportunities for friends and family to make memorial gifts in my husband's name at the time of his death earlier this year. We were overwhelmed to learn that several hundred dollars were given in his name.
Utopia has been sponsored by many well-known individuals. You can find a few of their names listed on the Board of Directors.
This is a charitable organization that truly utilizes money for the care of those lost, forlorn pets.
Please keep Utopia in mind whenever you want to do a good thing. See below for information about Utopia's most recent project. Also, there is a website for the Rescue Ranch. On it, you can meet some of their charges and learn about each one's personality....they have some pretty snazzy adoptive names also!
Dear Friend,
Tom Friedman, Kinky's father, and one of the founding directors of Utopia Animal Rescue Ranch, once said, "Save one dog. Save the world." His words later became the motto, and continue to be the daily practice at Utopia.
Utopia Animal Rescue Ranch is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit "never-kill" shelter that rescues abandoned and/or abused animals, nurtures them and places them with loving families. Nancy Parker-Simons (affectionately known as Cousin Nancy) has managed to keep the doors to Utopia rescue open for ten years - that's quite an accomplishment as those familiar with animal rescue can attest. It wasn't always easy, but due to Cousin Nancy's dedicated supervision, Tony Simons' devoted effort and Kinky Friedman's undying support more than 2000 animals have been rescued since the opening.
Looking ahead, toward the next ten years and beyond, Kinky Friedman and Utopia Animal Rescue Ranch are announcing an exciting new partnering program, appropriately named, Friends of Utopia.
'Friends of Utopia' is an essential group of committed supporters who will pledge to donate a specific amount each month. Monthly contributions provide a steady and cost-effective source of income that will enable Utopia to not only plan ahead for future necessities (knowing that there is a reliable source of support) but also, to act quickly when an animal must be rescued immediately. Now, more than ever before, Utopia needs a little help from its Friends. Please consider partnering with Kinky Friedman and Utopia, and pledging to be one of our first Friends.
A monthly tax deductable gift is a perfect choice for supporters who want to establish themselves as a cornerstone for Utopia or for those who would like to budget their donations more comfortably by dividing them into smaller increments. Just think of the impact that even a modest monthly commitment can have when added with other Friends of Utopia gifts during the month!
Please contact me either by phone or email and I'll be happy to answer any questions and register you as one of the first Friends of Utopia. Utopia Animal Rescue Ranch is sustained solely through your generous gifts. Your ongoing support keeps us going and every donation is greatly appreciated.
If you would like to help us continue to feed, vaccinate, spay and neuter, provide medical care and foster newly abandoned and abused animals, please become a monthly donor today. Thank you for your generosity and for helping us make this world a better place for animals!
Debora Hanson
Kinky Friedman/Kinky Friedman Cigars/kinkyfriedman.com
Friends of Utopia Coordinator
1 comment:
yay! i like this post. go utopia! I look forward to seeing their christmas card this year...
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