Brooke has posted her thoughts about her reasons to love/like Oregon. And, I have to admit that I'm a little jealous. We talk on the phone daily and usually compare ambient temperature readings---she boasts and I complain (and sweat).
I told her this evening that the temperature gauge in the Jeep registered 114 today after work---that's NOT the inside temperature---that's outside. She reported that the Eugene temperature was very pleasant today.
While she was home this past weekend, we were out on the driveway right after twilight. It was that time of evening when the heat can be felt rising from the ground (or concrete) and there is a slight breeze. It feels akin to opening the oven door while baking cookies. If you are a Texan, you totally identify. Even though we "feel the heat", it is tolerable, almost refreshing from the unbearable beat-down of full sun hitting the concrete at 5:00 PM. Brooke remarked about that feeling of nocturnal blanketing warmth that waves over you in the breeze. She felt it while in Dallas visiting friends on Saturday night and walking outside. Said she missed it...it felt good.
Maybe Oregon is just a bit "too cool!"
I completely agree. I was in San Diego during July one year and it was cold. I truly missed the beating heat of the Texas sun.
I LOVE it when, in the summer, you come out of the mall where it is cold into the heat. That is one of my favorite feelings.
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