Bill Cosby used to open his stand-up comedy routine with "I started out as a child." Me too. True for us all---not an awakening or an aha moment.
Over the past year I have had time for reflective thought. I have thought about my journey of life...where I started and the experiences of life and persons that have shaped my persona up to this point.
I don't mean for this to sound narcissistic...I remember one moment in my life in my pre-teen years just like it was today. I was standing in front of a mirror, thoughtfully studying my reflection, and wondering who that person REALLY was looking back at me from the mirror. I was aware that I actually did not know that person; and I asked things like "will I ever know her...how can one really know their self..."
None of us will know ourselves as others know us. We are different people at 13, 33, 53, and 73. We open a book, pore through chapter by chapter, and at some point we will close the book. When the book is finished and we think about all that transpired within the various pages, will we be pleased with epilogue, will the book serve as an enlightenment to our souls, will we be better for having read that book?
I'm about to begin Chapter 58. I'm not anxious to reach the end of the book to find out what happens. Each chapter stands alone and piques my interest. I just hope that at completion, the book will have been worth the read!
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