Callie was here yesterday (along with Ruth, Chad, Uncle Zack, and Stephanie). We assembled for a family dinner and time together.
This child constantly amazes me. She walked in the back door, chattering away, looking for the puppies (Lexie and Katie). Then she looked for the drum, then she went out to the game room and asked for the "balls". (We took all the billiard balls from the pool table and put them on the floor.) She walked around the pool table, placing each ball into the pockets. Her maneuvers reminded me of a Sunday comic strip called the "Family Circus". Sometimes, the strip would illustrate the circuitous route that Billy would take going next door...stopping to pick up a rock, eying a trash can lid and stopping to play with it as a shield to his imagined role as a conquering soldier, etc.
Then she wanted to go out back. Everyone sat around on the patio and we watched her go about her explorations. If she tripped and fell, she got back up, dusted her hands off, and continued on. After the patio was fully conquered, she wanted to make her way through the yard. Chad walked her around, with Callie pointing the direction to proceed. I watched them walk around the yard, noticing that as they came to the back fence, Callie wanted to peek over the other side, so they did.
Callie saw that I had a glass of tea. She marched up to me and said "Drink (dink), please." She took big drinks, and some spilled out onto her shirt. This child didn't stop moving, always on the look-out for the puppy. At one time, she couldn't sight Lexie who had gone around the side of the house. "Puppy, puppy, puppy?", while scanning the area. More tumbles, asking to go in and out, looking for GaGa to say "Hi!"; working her way back to the patio...kneel on the floor of the game room, peering out to the patio with her nose and hands pressed to the window pane.
When dinner was served, she sat in her high chair, expertly stabbing her cantaloupe and sausage and vegetables with her fork. Mom and Dad commented on their ambivalent feelings about her dexterious accomplishments--they were proud but also sad that their little girl was making her growing up progress at what seemed to be lightening speed.
Callie has always been a thrill-seeker---never afraid to try something new. And if she hasn't mastered something on the first attempt....she persistently tries again and again.
What a joy it is to experience this sweet child's exploration of her world!