There are topics I have declined to write about on this blog for various reasons.....it would bore some readers......it may be offensive to someone...or, who really cares anyway?
Someone once commented to me "that you will write about anything!" Pehaps there are mundane things I write about. My purpose in beginning this blog was to write for myself. If someone enjoyed reading an inclusion, good! If not, that's okay. Blogs can keep readers updated to the happenings in someone's life. Blogs are entertainment. Blogs serve a purpose to speak our minds to others. Blogs can act as a discussion. They can be editorial.
How often has the word "relevant" come up in a conversation you have engaged in lately? For me, not lately....and relevant is long overdue.
"Relevant" is good to help one stay on track; concentrate on the things that matter; and steer us into connecting with pertinent ideas, codes of conduct.
As I ponder a closer statement here, I vow to make comparisons of relevancy. I will spend my time on things that matter. Water, atmosphere, oil, land, and money are not the only things squandered these days. It appears that a lot of energy is wasted on things or behaviors that don't mean a damn.
Is this post relevant?
Seems relevant. Just remember your blog is yours, do what you want. Good luck focusing on things that matter.
Thanks, Zack
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