I'm on my way to Austin this morning---better get going. This is a work trip, but it will be good to just drive down the highway---no LBJ Freeway, I-30, 360 jams!
Going to Austin again on 12/14, then leaving Austin on the 16th for San Antonio for work. All this I-35 South activity is putting a huge crimp in my Christmas preparations here at home.
I'm excitedly anticipating Brooke's long visit home over Christmas and Callie's first Christmas exploration as she treks around the tree eyeing all the "no touch" ornaments and lights, opens gifts, and generally looks adorable and sweet just being herself.
Somehow, it will all get done.
You may be free of the LBJ traffic jams but welcome to the I-35 and Mopac traffic jams! Have a safe trip!
What was I thinking!!!! I have never had such horrible Austin driving experiences before. Most of my driving was navigating one-way streets and street dead-ends in downtown A-town. I'm not sure, but I would suspect that most Austin walkers and bikers have: 1. a death wish, 2. need to be on a serious dose of anti-AHHD medication, 3. are using hallucinogenics, or 4. drink too much caffeine. I nearly hit two pedestrians (separate instances) as they bolted out into the middle of the street between parked vehicles into oncoming traffic. (Sort of like a deer in your headlights) Also a UT biker decided to come around an oncoming car (that had a red light). Biker pedaled his way into my left turn lane as I was making a left turn. It was dark and my headlights just caught his reflector bike pedals. Austin wore me out!
Yes, Shannon, you're right. Austin should be named Austin/Pflugerville, Round Rock/Georgetown
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