I love my navigation system. It has no faults. I even named it---Famous Shoes---after the Indian scout/tracker who guided Gus and Woodrow across the Texas plains in Larry McMurtry's books. He was named Famous Shoes as he never rode a horse. He always walked ahead, tracking Indian enemies, watering holes, and the best route to take.
I admired McMurtry's Famous Shoes and I admire my Famous Shoes. He has only let me down once in the California central farm land about dusk. Brooke and I missed the turn to access I-5 coming through a small town (the sign was missing). We ended deep into farmland, rice paddies, fruit orchards, and fields of grain.
Famous Shoes has been a blessing many times, especially in Dallas, where I spend a lot of work time, visiting home health agencies and their patients. If I miss the turn, he will tell me to turn around at the next street....but more often, he just sets his little brain to working and finds me an alternate route. I love him.
Today, I was early arriving at the agency---an oddity, I know, especially in rush hour traffic. I decided to find a Starbucks and get some coffee to go. I "commanded" FS to find a point of interest....typed in Starbucks, and bless his heart, he asked did I want directions to the nearest one---of course! It was a little over 1.5 miles going north into downtown. So we were on our way. As I neared the south side of the convention center, I realized there was a huge stall of cars ahead and only the left lane was getting through. It wasn't too long before I saw the jam.....about 15 tour buses all queued up to pick up people staying at the convention center to take them home to South Texas.
It was difficult to maneuver, so I just plugged in the agency address and let FS lead the way. Only problem was the downtown one-way streets--FS knew about them, but he and I were not counting on roadblocks for a parade of high school bands downtown on a Monday morning during rush hour.
I could feel his frustration with me when I couldn't get over into the correct lane and he had to re-plot the route several times.
I got to the agency about an hour later.
HAHAHA!! good story
Famous Shoes doesn't know about Luckenbach, either!
We've never met or anything, but I found your blog listed on Ruth's page and the Famous Shoes caught my eye. My husband and I are HUGE fans of McMurtry's books, even named our German Shorthaired Pointer August McCrae and have the Lonesome Dove hotel sign with keys hanging in our living room...
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