
back yard drama

After the last flood in 2006, the fence was washed away. This time, we put up the fence on the north side with every other slat removed (to allow water current to flow THROUGH the fence and hopefully not knock it down).

Since that time, the dogs have been able to view the outside world and see people on the jogging trail pass by. They camp out at the corner of the fence hoping to catch a glimpse of something interesting.

The openings in the fence have allowed bunnies, opossums, and various othe wildlife to enter the back yard. This usually occurs well after dark. Lexie and Katy (being the good hunting breeds they are) usually become possessed and they run wildly, trailing the offender by scent all through the yard. An opossum got cornered one night, but finally made a retreat through the fence unscathed. About a week ago, as I took them out back for their nite-nite ritual, I saw 2 bunnies on the patio---fortunately, they made a quick exit.

Tonight, I was on the phone talking to Brooke and Katie began barking and growling from deep within. She sounded like I would want her to sound if there was a prowler---very threatening and commanding. In the distance, I could hear Lexie barking also. I called them, called them, and called them to no avail. Then, there was a sulfuric, nasty scent permeating the air....SKUNK!

Oh my Lord! What was I going to do if the dogs were sprayed. They finally came up to the patio and luckily were not contaminated. I got them in without hesitation and said a quick prayer of thanksgiving.

I know that this post would have been alot more interesting had they been sprayed.....but I am just pleased that we made it through unscathed.


so big

I may be treading on "Mom territory", but I must celebrate and acknowledge grandmotherly joy and love for my sweet Callie. Yesterday, Ruth, Callie, and I made the 50+ mile trip to Ikea in Frisco for a "see what there is" shopping trip. This was Callie's first big shopping trip and the first trip I made with her to a massively populated store.

She was delightful....curious and taking it all in. Watching people, zeroing in on "little folks" closer to her age group and stature. She explored the store in her stroller, holding on to the sides with both hands, leaning in or turning her body to catch a closer look at things/persons she encountered. Of course many people paused and greeted her, saying things like "Oh, how sweet"...or "Isn't she a doll?"

And for each person who addressed her directly, she rewarded them with a full smile, with nose crinkled and eyes dancing. If that person lingered and engaged her in conversation, she would thrust both arms high into the air, kick her little legs, and grin some more.

The arm-raising has evolved from a game that Ruth and Chad play with her while sitting on the floor eye-to-eye. It's played like this: Mom or Dad face her and say "Callie is SO BIG!" while outstretching their arms. She loves that game and has quickly learned to do the same. It's like the touchdown arms in the air we see so often. Callie is full of pride in all the things she learns to do on a daily basis and she receives encouragement and praise from her mom and dad. It reaches down in the pit of your being to see your child interacting with her child and you know that a legacy has begun......

Thank you, Chad and Ruth


AN EMPTY GLASS 6.26.21---3.2.08

Clu Flu Lusk
And when Thyself with shining Foot shall pass

Among the Guests Star-scatter'd on the Grass

And in thy joyous Errand reach the Spot

Where I made one--turn down an empty Glass!


(It is completed)


Family Matters

There was a caravan going to Ruston, La. for a family funeral on Friday afternoon. Two cars, total of eight made the trip. It was a good trip, saw family members that we hadn't seen in 10 years; made a side trip through the piney woods to three family cemeteries, small communities, and a couple of homeplaces. This all brought about many memories shared, funny stories, and admiration for the entire older generation of this family. The trip was bittersweet as we all realized that there probably won't be anymore big trips over there.

The weather was bright, sunny, hot, and humid. Peaches were in season and we bought many along with fresh tomatoes, cantaloupe.

Some "firsts" are actually "last times". This was one of those.


rain, callie, and luna, and another funeral

It rained this morning----a very nice ground-soaking, early morning thunderstorm. You could see the flash of lightening and hear thunder rumbling down the creek behind our house. All this at 6 AM. I got up to start the day, let Katie out, and make coffee---then realized today was a state holiday, (Juneteenth), so I crawled back into bed til 8 AM. Sleeping in during a rainstorm is the BEST!

I had great plans for this evening! Ruth and Chad went out for the first time without Miss Callie and I got to baby-sit! Callie was still napping when I got there, so that when she woke up, she was all warm and sleep-soft----she gave me a great smile when she saw me. Ruth and Chad left us after a photo session marking this "first" for them. The good-byes went off without a hitch and we proceeded to play with a ball, kiss/lick particularly favorite pages in a book, play patty-cake, etc. At the appointed time, I gave her a bottle--attempted to cuddle closely, but Callie is too busy! She squirms, sits upright and takes her bottle in perpetual motion. Then a diaper change, more playing...a little fretful at this point. Maybe it's suppertime. High chair, bib, spoon, and applesauce----we made a stab at it....but Callie realized someting was wrong. She kept craning her neck, looking around for Mom/Dad----her usual feeders----but they were nowhere in sight. She wanted out of the high chair. At this point, she's a wee bit frustrated that her routine is not happening. We walk around, look at the beautiful baby in the mirror, more patty-cake, then she starts nuzzling into my shoulder----sleepy? We go into the nursery, plop down in the crib, she collapses down on her "lovey", then bolts upright, and starts playing with the buttons/sounds on her crib toy---I leave the room, turn on the monitor. She sleeps---Mom calls to check on things---I gave her a minute by minute account. Thirty minutes of nap---then...round two! Same things---very frustrated with the applesauce issue---still looking around for those other people she's used to. But she's peacefully asleep when they get home.

During this---Brooke calls in tears. Luna has annoyed a neighbor greatly---doing the non-stop for no good reason beagle howl. Brooke is off to Petsmart for the no-bark collar---Brooke can't stand to interfere with her pup's natural instincts, but the howling is wearing on her also. Here's hoping that it works!

Zack and I leave for Ruston, Louisiana tomorrow evening after work for the Saturday AM funeral for one of Clu Flu's sisters. This will be difficult......


first time for everything

Everything that has ever happened had a first time. Lately, there have been several "firsts" in my life........and I am navigating through them.

Some firsts require heavy-duty adjustment....some are just plain thrilling....others, bittersweet.

Having not been born as a child of technology, I am trying to proceed along as if I belong in the technological age------lame as that might be.

We shall see...we shall see

practice makes perfect

still meandering through this blog thing...trying to get it right
who reads these things, anyway?
maybe those people who play important parts in my life? strangers?
other bloggers?
how does one find this particular blog? do i need to alert people to it's conception?

if you have answers to these questions, please feel free to comment