When Callie was very small and sometimes fretful, Ruth would stand in the middle of the living room, holding Callie, and slowly sway back and forth as a pendulum might. Callie's eyes were fixed on the ceiling fan...she studied it intently. Ruth called it Callie's "happy place." The rhythmic movement of the ceiling fan and the rocking motion supplied by Ruth would mostly give her peace and contentment. It was hypnotic.
Everyone should have a happy place where they can retreat, feel peace, and actively de-stress. I don't propose that one should stand in place with eyes cast upward and rock and moan. That could cause other problems. But I'd wager that most everyone has a day-dream location or situation for a respite from the cruel, loud, obnoxious world.
Lately, my happy place has been thoughts of New Mexico---this is comforting because I have spent quite a bit of travel time in the "Land of Enchantment".....may be corny to you, but NM suits me. The air, the people, colors, geographic properties----it's just plain damn great.
I will be out there later this summer, soak it up, and come back to Tejas, just a little transfixed. What could be better than that?